Help with school garden makes pupils’ wishes come true

Published: Monday 2 September 2024

Pupils at St John's PS, Blackwood, working in their school garden.

Everything in a Blackwood school’s garden is rosy thanks to a Community Wish List donation.

The Partnership Group at St John's PS was looking to reinstate the school garden, which was in a poor state of repair following the pandemic.

The older children set to work clearing the garden, hoping to create a sensory space for school pupils and the local community… but the scale of the project proved to be far greater than initially envisaged.

However, through the Community Wish List, Lightways Construction came to their rescue with a contribution of more than £2500-worth of materials and labour.

Vivien Stewart, from the Partnership Group, said: “Thanks to the fantastic support for our school garden project from Lightways, we now have a new path laid, a picnic area created and beds finished with decorative stones, just as the children had requested. It really looks amazing and will benefit so many people, young and old.”

The Community Wish List graphic is displayed within the renovated garden of St John's Primary School, Blackwood.

Helena Swierczek, from Lightways, said: “The St John’s PS project stood out to us as something where we could really make a difference.

“When we learnt how the kids had done the majority of the work themselves with the help of some of the guys that volunteer for the school and church, we decided to do as much as we possibly could to help.

“Hopefully the school and the Blackwood community will get the most out of this garden for years to come.”

The Community Wish List is supported by the council’s Community Engagement Team and was created by the council to enable groups and organisations to make requests for specific support to benefit their local community.

Chair of the council's Finance and Corporate Resources Committee, Councillor Lesley McDonald, said: “This is another great example of the Community Wish List and the benefits it can bring to local communities and organisations.

“I would like to thank Lightways and all of the other companies who have so generously donated time, money and resources so far, and look forward to seeing the benefits their donation will bring to St John’s PS.”

Local community groups can still submit a wish to the Community Wish List. To find out more, go to the council websitesend an email, or call 0303 123 1017.